Mission: Create a collage of info-graphic illustration concepts with a limited color palette. It will serve as both an exercise and reference for future projects.

Process: Pre-production for this project was swift due to the relaxed and open-ended nature of the project. The most time consuming part of this exercise was to create appealing color palates. I used the Adobe Color Picker website to select a few base colors. From there I edited the swatches in Adobe Illustrator where the rest of the work was completed. I experimented with many of Illustrator's basic tools, but branched out and used many transforms and path-editing features I have only used a handful of times.
Challenge: The greatest challenge I faced was keeping fresh variety of designs with only a limited color palette. It would be very easy to fall into a trap of repetition, so I had to stay vigilant and open-minded.

Conclusion: This project was truly enjoyable. Once I had the color palettes selected it was only a matter of layout and contrasting shapes. This exercise will certainly become regular practice moving forward.
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